Who We Are


Odisha Arthritis & Rheumatology Foundation Trust

Autoimmune diseases affecting multiple organs of the body are recently increasing Worldwide. Many patients suffering from these diseases are losing their livelihoods because of late diagnosis and lack of proper treatment. There are various reasons for this delay in diagnosis includes patient unawareness about the symptoms & the specialty branch (Rheumatology) available for its treatment, lack of training among primary healthcare providers to diagnose these diseases early and refer at an appropriate time and lack of proper infrastructure in our state to treat these patients. The delay to diagnosis is important because it is known that the earlier the diagnosis, early treatment can be started and the better the outcome will be. A delay in diagnosis is costly because this has huge impact on the patient life by a loss in quality of life, employment and many domains like chronic pain, fatigue, mental health issue or deformities. Awareness is the key to address this issue.
With the aim of creating awareness among patients, society and Medical Practitioners Odisha Arthritis and Research Foundation Trust (OARFT) is founded in the year 2021. The overall objectives are to raise awareness about the autoimmune & rheumatological diseases and their detrimental effects. and helping them to get access to better treatment.


Prof. Dr. Jyoti Ranjan Parida

D.M. (Rheumatology), Gold Medalist
Chief consultant & Medical Director
Odisha Arthritis & Rheumatology Centre

Mr Chaitanya Prasad Parida

Mrs Amrita Roy

Mr Smruti Ranjan Parida

Mr Kirti Ranjan Parida